shipping policy

Our products are uniquely created on demand in your chosen specification. This enables us to offer you a full range of styles, colors and sizes to choose from without particular style ever going out of stock, ensuring you get exactly what you want every time.

After you have placed your order, our talented production team will select a blank version of your chosen product, print your design

Package and ship your order within 2-3 business days.
You can order as many items as you want and you'll never pay more than the flat rate for shipping.

How much are the shipping costs?

We use flat shipping rate of $4.95 for shipping within US and $11.95 for international shipping.

Shipping time

5-10 business days, excluding Sunday for US shipping
10-20 business days, excluding Sunday for international shipping
Orders are missing products or change shipping address. We will process takes 1-2 business days

Shipping time for missing orders/change in shipping address?

5-10 business days, excluding Sunday for US shipping
10-20 business days, excluding Sunday for international shipping
Delivery times may be longer than expected in unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, such as strikes, natural disasters or severe winter storms ...

About Late Deliveries
Most packages are delivered on time. In rare occasions, orders show up after the estimated delivery date.

Possible Reasons for Delay
Incorrect Address
Missing apartment, building, floor, or unit number
Severe weather conditions
International customs procedures
When delivery is later than expected, please notify us via . We will resolve it for you in 2 business days

Track your package
After an order has been shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking code from the shipping company.
Working time: Monday to Saturday